Projects | Berlin (2011)

Reflecting Colonialism – Reichskriegsflagge

© Philipp Abel

As part of the Erasmus+ Youth Initiative "Reflecting Colonialism", a group of German and Dutch participants organized a study trip to Berlin. There, the 1884/85 "Congo Conference“ was at the centre of their attention. This high level event was hosted by Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of the German Empire. It triggered the so called Scramble for Africa, the invasion, occupation, division, and colonisation of African territory by European powers.  Germany’s imperialistic policies culminated in rampant aggression, wars of extermination and genocides. Countless lives have been shattered, social structures destroyed and existing forms of autonomy and self-governance eliminated.

The participants of the Youth Initiative were driven by the question, to what extent the racist foundations of the colonial period were still evident today. Their search for an answer took them to Northern Berlin. In a garden plot called "Dauerkolonie Togo" the group made a series of disturbing discoveries.

For Memos, "Reflecting Colonialism" was the first effort to tackle Germany’s political and moral responsibility for the crimes committed by its colonial troops. In this context, Memos is particularly committed to inspire and support youth-led initiatives aiming to come to terms with Germany’s colonial past. This endeavour finds a great deal of guidance and orientation in the material provided by Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, the Federal Agency for Civic Education.